News and Events

2024 Emeka Ngadi Foundation Scholarship – Open for Applications

May 28, 2024

2024 Emeka Ngadi Scholarship – Pre Cégep

The Ngadi Foundation’s scholarship program aims to recognize, encourage and financially empower high-achieving students. Our goal is to assist them in their educational pursuits and foster their ability to make meaningful contributions to society.

The program is offered in memory of Emeka Ngadi, who an outstanding student at École secondaire Saint-Georges, and loved to use his skills to serve the people around him. The awards are granted based on academic performance as well as active community and/or extra-curricular involvement. Qualified students are invited to apply for the 2024 Ngadi Foundation Scholarship.

Applicants must be full-time secondary school students in the West Island of Montreal, in their final year, and must be accepted into a full-time Cégep program for the upcoming academic year. While all are encouraged to apply, preference will be given to students in sciences.

To apply, candidates are required to submit the following documents electronically:
• Curriculum vitae (CV)
• Cover letter highlighting the applicant’s relevant qualities and why the applicant deserves the award. Where applicable, the letter could mention any pressing financial needs.
• Current and complete academic transcript showing courses and grades
• A copy of the admission letter to a Cégep in Montreal
• Two (2) letters of recommendation

Completed applications should be sent to by June 3rd, 2024. Selected applicants will be notified by mid July, 2024 to participate in a panel interview by the Ngadi Foundation Scholarship Committee. Successful applicants will receive a plaque and a 500$ cash reward.

We wish all applicants the best of luck and look forward to reading your submissions!

Bourse Emeka Ngadi 2024 – Pré Cégep
Le programme de bourses d’études de la Fondation Ngadi vise à reconnaître, encourager et optimiser l’indépendance financière(alléger le fardeau financier) des étudiants performants. Notre objectif est de les aider dans leurs études et de favoriser leur capacité à apporter des contributions significatives à la société.
Le programme est offert en mémoire de Emeka Ngadi, qui était un élève exceptionnel à l’École secondaire Saint-Georges, et qui utilisait ses intérêts pour se mettre au service des gens de son entourage. Les bourses sont attribuées en fonction des résultats académiques ainsi que l’engagement actif dans la communauté et/ou les activités parascolaires. Les étudiants qualifiés sont invités à postuler pour la bourse 2024 de la Fondation Ngadi.

Les candidats doivent être élèves à temps plein dans l’Ouest de L’Île de Montréal, en cinquième année du secondaire, et être admis à temps plein dans un programme Cégep pour l’année académique suivante. Bien que tous soient encouragés à postuler, la préférence sera accordée aux étudiants en sciences.
Pour postuler, les candidats doivent soumettre les documents suivants par courriel:

• Curriculum Vitae
• Une lettre de motivation soulignant les qualités pertinentes du candidat et les raisons pour lesquelles le candidat mérite la bourse. Le cas échéant, la lettre pourrait mentionner des besoins financiers.
• Relevé de notes actuelles et complet
• Une copie de la lettre d’admission dans un cégep
• Deux (2) lettres de recommandation

Les applications complétées doivent être envoyées à d’ici le 3 juin 2024. Les candidats sélectionnés seront avisés d’ici le mi-juillet 2024 pour participer à une entrevue devant le comité de la bourse de la Fondation. Les candidats retenus recevront une plaque et une récompense de 500 $.

Nous souhaitons à tous les candidats les meilleures des chances et nous sommes impatients de lire vos soumissions!
Dans le présent document, le masculin est utilisé dans le seul but d’alléger le texte

2024 Emeka Ngadi Scholarship -Pre-University
The Ngadi Foundation’s scholarship program aims to recognize, encourage and financially empower high-achieving students. Our goal is to assist them in their educational pursuits and foster their ability to make meaningful contributions to society.

The program is offered in memory of Emeka Ngadi, who an outstanding student at John Abbott College, and loved to use his skills to serve the people around him. The awards are granted based on academic performance as well as active community and/or extra-curricular involvement. Qualified students are invited to apply for the 2024 Ngadi Foundation Scholarship.

An applicant must be a full-time student at any Cégep within theisland of Montreal, in the final year of their DEC, and must be accepted into a full-time University undergraduate program for the upcoming academic year. While all are encouraged to apply, preference will be given to outstanding science students.

To apply, candidates are required to submit the following documents electronically:
• Curriculum vitae (CV)
• Cover letter highlighting the applicant’s relevant qualities and why the applicant deserves the award. Where applicable, the letter could mention any pressing financial needs.
• Current and complete academic transcript showing courses and grades
• A copy of the admission letter to a University
• Two (2) letters of recommendation

Completed applications should be sent to by June 3rd, 2024. Selected applicants will be notified by mid July, 2024 to participate in a panel interview by the Ngadi Foundation Scholarship Committee. Successful applicants will receive a plaque and a 1000$ cash reward.

We wish all applicants the best of luck and look forward to reading your submissions!